Argimon Castle


The viscountcy of Cabrera was articulated through a network of castles and fortified houses, which were the seats of politic and military power for the nobility in the Middle Ages. This defensive system was supplemented by a number of walled-in villages and watchtowers

Situated on the Argimon mountain, 450 metres above sea level, the present-day sanctuary dates back to the 18th century. It is a modern structure located on the site of the ancient Argimon castle, “Castro Argimonte”. The ruins of this ancient building are the remnants of a square eight metres high tower, which must have had three floors, and the primitive Romanesque chapel dating back to the 11th. century.

Argimon Castle is documented as early as 925 and was part of the domain of the Viscounts of Cabrera in the mid-11th century. From the 12th century it was a finished castle with jurisdiction over the parishes of Riudarenes, Vallcanera, Castanyet, l'Esparra and Sant Pere Cercada