Ethnological Museum of Montseny


The viscountcy of Cabrera was a territory with its own governmental system, under the administration of agents under the allegiance of the viscounts, from the notary to the judge and the procurer general and other authorities, who ensured the governability of the territory. The material remains of this administration and its governing works are still visible in several places throughout the viscountcy.

Gabella is the name of an ancient tax on staple goods, and the same name was also used for the warehouses in which these goods were stored. This building, which dates back to at least the 17th century, is an old manor house with a square floorplan and a four-sided gable roof. It has served different purposes over the centuries. Originally a warehouse for staple goods, in the 18th century it became the town hostel and in the 19th century it was purchased by the Pagès family, which turned it into its home. Finally, in 1970, Arbúcies Town Council bought the building and since 1985 it has been home to the Ethnological Museum of Montseny.

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